Thomas Frey is founder and Managing Director of Frey & Partner.
Originally, Thomas is a Chemical Engineer and held for many years leadership positions with lots of employees and substantial budget responsibility in Production, Supply Chain and Quality Management functions in the Chemical and Life Science industries. He also gained valuable international experience working for some years as Production Manager in Brasil.
He later earned a Masters degree in Business Administration from the reputable London Business School – some years ago he also received his Doctor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Bradford.
The last 20 years of his business life he spent most of his time as Consultant to large and midsized corporations in strategy elaboration & implementation, operations optimisation and profitability improvement mandates. He also led a midsized firm in textile trading through a turnaround as temporary Managing Director.
He held Marketing, Sales and board positions for Software vendors and IT consulting companies and also learned from first hand how mergers and acquisitions are planned, executed and lived through. In this IT geared field he could use his formerly aquired consulting knowhow in the design and marketing of industry-focussed solutions with clear value proposition and identified target customer groups.
In 2007 he founded an own IT consulting firm, which grew in 4 years under his chairmanship to around 30 employees. Despite his leadership position and internal people and process development task, he continually led and performed strategic client projects directly himself.
Since 2011 he focusses again on his passion: the topics around growth, business planning and marketing and has already served with the partners in his network many firms as advisor, consultant, coach and mentor.
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